Spanish for foreigners via Skype with a native

I am offering Spanish conversation lessons with a native speaker.

I have a degree in English and a master’s degree in Spanish (speciality: teaching), and I have 6 years experience in teaching English and Spanish via Skype and I’ve recently been teaching Spanish at home as well.
I can speak fluent English and French, and studied basic Italian and German. Currently studying Russian and Spanish Sign Language as well as preparing the examns to become a civil servant.
I studied my Erasmus year in Aberystwyth but I am currently living in Spain.

15€ per hour on Skype and first session for free! Aprende conmigo 🙂

  • Titulada imparte clases de inglés online

    Titulada imparte clases de inglés para adultos, especialmente conversación, via Skype u otra plataforma adecuada (como hangouts, whatsapp o zoom)
    Precios reducidos y con gran variedad de horarios.
    Mis estudios han sido: Filología Moderna (2014), C2 en inglés, B1 en francés, A1 en italiano y en alemán, máster en español y su cultura con especialidad en docencia. Actualmente estudiando ruso, lengua de signos y oposiciones.
    Experiencia: Más de dos años dando clases presenciales, clases de español para extranjeros, trabajo de recepcionista de hotel y de alquiler de coches.
    Tiempo vivido en el Reino Unido: 2 años, incluido un año en universidad de Aberystwyth (Gales, UK)

  • Spanish lessons with a native tutor

    I am offering Spanish conversation lessons with a native speaker.

    I have a degree in English and a master’s degree in Spanish (speciality: teaching), and I have 6 years experience in teaching English and Spanish via Skype and I’ve recently been teaching Spanish at home as well.
    I can speak fluent English and French, and studied basic Italian and German. Currently studying Russian and Spanish Sign Language as well as preparing the examns to become a civil servant.
    I studied my Erasmus year in Aberystwyth but I am currently living in Spain.

  • Spanish for foreigners via Skype with a native

    I am offering Spanish conversation lessons with a native speaker.

    I have a degree in English and a master’s degree in Spanish (speciality: teaching), and I have 6 years experience in teaching English and Spanish via Skype and I’ve recently been teaching Spanish at home as well.
    I can speak fluent English and French, and studied basic Italian and German. Currently studying Russian and Spanish Sign Language as well as preparing the examns to become a civil servant.
    I studied my Erasmus year in Aberystwyth but I am currently living in Spain.

    15€ per hour on Skype and first session for free! Aprende conmigo 🙂

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